يستخدم Cryoskin الصدمة الحرارية التي يتم فيها تصوير علاجات العلاج بالتبريد (البارد) من خلال علاج ارتفاع الحرارة (الحرارة) بطريقة ديناميكية وتتسلسل ودرجة الحرارة. Cryotherapy hyper stimulates the skin and tissue, greatly speeding up all cellular activity and has been proven to be highly effective in body slimming and sculpting. Fat cells (in comparison of other tissue types) are more vulnerab le to the effects of cold therapy, which causes fat cell apoptosis, a natural controlled cell death. This leads to the release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators that gradually eliminate affected fat cells, reducing the thickness of the fat layer.